ESF - ERDF National Operational Programme “For School 2014-2020”

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The National Operational Programme 2014-2020 “For School - skills and learning environments” (hereinafter, NOP “For School”) is an important tool to support Italian policies in the field of Education.

The Programme covers the seven-year 2014-2020 period and is intended to fund both interventions of a tangible nature, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and intangible actions, through the European Social Fund (ESF).

The NOP “For School” is intended for the structural and qualitative enhancement and improvement of schools of all levels and types present throughout the national territory.

It has a dual purpose: on one hand to pursue impartiality and cohesion, encouraging the reduction of territorial disparities, strengthening the most disadvantaged schools and supporting students with difficulties; on the other, to promote excellence to guarantee equal access to education for everyone, also ensuring the potential for educational success and the enhancement of individual talent, regardless of socioeconomic background.

The NOP “For School” is divided into four axes:

  • “Axis 1 - Education” aimed at improving the quality of the education system and supporting skill enhancing, by promoting greater participation in training courses and lifelong learning processes;
  • “Axis 2 - Educational infrastructures” aimed at promoting and supporting education, vocational training and lifelong learning through actions aimed at increasing school attractiveness of infrastructures and upgrading, technology and learning environments improving and ensuring architectural spaces tailored to innovative didactic approaches;
  • “Axis 3 - Institutional and administrative ability” riguarda il rafforzamento della capacità istituzionale e la promozione di un’Amministrazione Pubblica efficiente (E-Government, Open data e Trasparenza, Sistema Nazionale di Valutazione, Formazione Dirigenti e Funzionari).
  • “Axis 4 - Technical Assistance” aimed at improving the implementation of the Programme by strengthening the fund management capacity of Ministry of Education and other subjects involved and to ensure compliance with European and National legislation.

Example of operations

  • Axis 1 - Education
  • Call n.10862, 09/16/2016
    Social inclusion and fight against social hardship

    The primary objective is to rebalance and compensate for situations of socio-economic disadvantage in areas particularly disadvantaged, in areas “at risk” and in peripheral ones. The intervention, with the involvement of other public subjects in the area (public and local authorities, associations, foundations, professionals) will be targeted on selected groups of students with difficulties and specific needs, therefore exposed to greater risks of abandonment.

    PROJECT: ACTIVE SCHOOL 10.1.1A-FSEPON-PU-2017-385 - Comprehensive Institute "Colamonico - N. Chiarulli" - Acquaviva Delle Fonti (BA) -

    The module "Educational and inclusive robotics" of educational and digital innovation is in line with the National Plan of Digital School (NPDS) Action # 15 - "Innovative scenarios for the development of applied digital skills".
    The school has completed an educational program of coding and computational thinking through the use of robots assembled and programmed by students. Through the laboratory activities (learning by doing) a “teaching by skills” method has been adopted focused on transversality, sharing and co-creation. The didactic actions were characterized by exploration, experience, reflection, self-evaluation, monitoring and evaluation. Making a small robot and programming it stimulated students to ask questions, to find solutions, test, evaluate and document in a real and non-virtual "self-learning" environment, in which the student could master and control the projects along the development phases. The students have independently activated the problem solving activity as a new way of approaching problems, transferring this new skill both in the school environment and as a proper life skill. The use of robotics has also encouraged the active study of scientific matters.

    PROJECT: THE SCHOOL WE INCLUDE ... - 10.1.1A-FSEPON-PU-2017-526 - Comprehensive Institute "San G. Bosco" - Massafra (TA) -

    The project “The school we include” in addition to traditional modules for students, has provided modules for parents as well. Thanks to these activities, which are fully consistent with adult training activities, it has been possible to strengthen collaboration with the school, promote school attendance, share initiatives and teaching, also with a view to preventing early school leaving.
    The activity allowed to educate and inform parents about the responsible use of the internet and social networks, to inform about problems related to cyber-bullying, to encourage the dialogue with authorities, to reduce digital divide between parents and students.
    Parents have been educated in the responsible use of technology through moments of discussion and watching movies. They were informed about the dangers of the web thanks to the organization of meetings with the police who informed and alerted parents about the risks of irresponsible use of technologies. Furthermore, issues related to the protection of privacy were addressed.

    Call n. 3781, 04/05/2017
    Work-based learning

    The initiative is part of the framework of actions aimed at work-based learning and internships. The action intends to qualify the work-based learning paths, involving students of secondary schools (3rd 4th and 5th years classes) and the students of the Higher Technical Institutes.
    There are three types of interventions:

    • • school-work alternation work-based projects in supply chain;
    • • school-work alternation work-based projects in small business network;
    • • school-work alternation work-based projects and internships in interregional contexts or abroad.

    PROJECT: WORK EXPERIENCE in UK - 10.6.6B-FSEPON-FR-2017-9 - Institute IPSIA “G. Ceconi” - Udine -

    The "Work Experience in UK" project allowed some students to have an experience abroad and to be inserted, for a period of four weeks, in the working context of a UK structure operating in the Mechanical Engineering sectors (Production and Technical Assistance to plants and machinery, Social-Healthcare Services and Personal Assistance). Students, enrolled in the three-year course in "Maintenance and Technical Assistance" and "Social-Health Services", had the opportunity to meet with experts, gaining practical experience in real work context related to their own study address. English was their primary means of communication. In addition to acquiring further specific knowledge and skills in the areas of technical maintenance and health services, students had the opportunity to make an experience abroad which helped them to mature, also, as individuals. They were hosted by English families so they had the chance to use English in a real communicative context and to get to know the habits and culture of people different from their own.

  • Axis 2 - Infrastructures for education
  • Call n. 12810, 10/15/2015
    Digital environments

    The Call allows educational institutions (including nursery school) to create flexible and dynamic multimedia environments, such as: alternative spaces for learning, augmented technology classrooms, mobile laboratories and computer workstations for the access of students and school-staff. The aim is to promote laboratory teaching and new learning environments, able to bring schools closer to the needs of the territory and of the labor market.

    PROJECT: Moby Tech - 10.8.1.A3-FESRPON-FR-2015-48 - Comprehensive Institute Prata - Padova -

    Two mobile laboratories were set up, in two different locations, to offer digital teaching applied to all disciplines, aimed at promoting educational success and the inclusion of students with disabilities.
    The intervention made possible a digital laboratory approach to excite curiosity and further stimulate students while learning. The purchase of mobile devices and equipment made it possible to involve in the project a total of 20 classes located in different school complexes.

    Call n. 1479, 02/10/2017
    Musical, artistic and sports workshops

    The aim of the call is to increase the number of laboratories and instruments for music and choreutical high schools, facilities and related equipment present in scientific high schools with sections addressing to sports. This call aims to promote laboratory teaching and to offer educational institutions the possibility of creating vocational workshops and of acquiring state of the art instruments for learning skills bringing schools closer to the demands of the labor market.

    PROJECT: Music Creativity Work - 10.8.1.A4-FESRPON-SI-2017-7 - Institute "G. Turrisi Colonna” - Catania (CT) -

    The project made it possible to create well equipped environments to allow teachers and students to carry out curricular teaching with maximum effectiveness. The project allowed to set up a music technology classroom, a classroom for theory, analysis and composition and the Aula Magna, equipped with a theater as audition room. In addition the theater benefited from acoustic adjustments, through the installation of panels. It has been equipped with an audio system and lights to complement what already was in place. Thanks to the financing, it was possible to equip some workstations with musical keyboard and PC, increase the number of vertical pianos indispensable for conducting lessons and, also, the financing allowed the purchase of two marimbas.
    LINK CONCERTS/EVENTS Coro e Ensemble Concerto finale Instant Musique

  • Axis 4 - Technical assistance
  • Call n.1052, 02/07/2017
    Reference schools to support the Communication Strategy and the implementation methods of the PON " Per la Scuola " 2014-2020

    The communication and dissemination of the contents of the PON "Per la Scuola" 2014-2020 on the territory represents one of the fundamental aspects of the activity carried out by the Managing Authority and by the beneficiaries to guarantee visibility to the interventions and results achieved and, at the same time, to inform citizens on the role and added value of actions carried out with the support of the European Union.
    To support the Communication Strategy and the Program implementation methods, the Managing Authority has issued a call to pre-select reference schools to which information, dissemination and enhancement of projects are to be entrusted.
    Based on the regional rankings, taking into account the actual needs of the territory and the further activities detailed in the Communication Plan, the Managing Authority authorizes reference schools to organize events in support of the Communication Strategy.
    The complete list of the implemented events can be consulted at the link: